

So… What

IS Reiki?

Here’s a common answer you’ll hear: Reiki is a powerful energy healing modality that is both gentle and effective for promoting complete wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. A Japanese healing-touch technique, the word “Reiki” is often translated as “Universal Life Force Energy” or “Spiritually Guided Energy”.

But I don’t really like this answer.

While the answer is true enough, it doesn’t really touch the heart of Reiki.

To me, being in communion with Reiki feels like coming back into connection with the highest, most divine expression of unconditional love— the truth of who and what we are.

It is my belief that Reiki desires to help you remember who you are in your original state— to help you awaken to the truth that you are a perfect and unique expression of divine energy. “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence,” as Alan Watts so beautifully named.

As the practitioner, rather than directing the energy according to what I think you need, I become the tool for Reiki to move through.

The intelligent consciousness of Reiki and the innate wisdom of your body work together (especially when you’re in a deeply relaxed and receptive state) to begin to clear the layers of energetic patterning that keep fear, anxiety, worry and trauma held in your body.

My clients report feeling transformed; lighter, connected, more relaxed, less anxious, and happier after receiving Reiki. You can read about their experiences in their own words here: