
Hi there, Meghan.

I’m a mom, a musician, and a Reiki Master & Teacher.

Growing up as a highly sensitive person (HSP) and empath, it took me many years to realize that I was not defective, but rather that my sensitivities, when properly cared for, allowed me to have a deeper and more insightful experience of the world around me.

As I started to discover and learn to trust my intuitive gifts, I found a deep desire to help heal the wounds that invariably find us while we're here on Earth.  

On an impulse I now would identify as “internal guidance”, I signed up for a Reiki training. Something profound and unexpected happened for me that day. Soon after that first class, it was clear that I had found a deep calling and purpose in the world.

During my first Reiki practice sessions, I started noticing that I was perceiving subtle information as I tuned in and observed my healing partner. I would experience strong emotions, see images and scenes playing out, and hear things like names, phrases, or song lyrics. I would suddenly know information that I hadn’t known a moment before. And, most surprising for me, I would often feel the presence of someone standing beside me, and I could feel that some of this information was coming directly from them.

When I started asking clients about what I was perceiving, it became clear that I was tapping into some greater source of information and could often communicate with these beings, who I now understand to be guides and loved ones on the other side.

I believe that when I set the intention for the client’s highest healing at the beginning of each session, these loving non-physical beings join us to guide and support in that intention. I still marvel at the magic and depth of the validations and messages that come through for my clients, it never gets old!

Helping to facilitate emotional and physical healing through both the energy work of Reiki and the intuitive information I receive during sessions has been an immensely meaningful experience for me.  It feels amazing to be in service to others in a way that is fascinating, connective, and life-giving.

If any of this resonates with you, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions! xoxoxo